Saturday, December 31, 2011

Digital Perm at Beauty Brick

With Mr. Shin
I have been searching the Net about the best places to do a digital perm here in Manila but I was thinking of growing my hair first before I finally take the perm plunge. However on one uneventful November day, I had the compulsion to had my hair permed and do it that day or else I'll chicken out and bask in my straight hair comfort zone. I called Beauty Brick to ask for an appointment and fortunately they were able to accommodate me despite the short notice. Yehey!

Finding out where Beauty Brick is is a little tricky. If you're coming from the North (Quezon City area), you can take the MRT,  then go down at Buendia station, ride the jeepney near McDonalds (Sorry I forgot the jeepey sign) and go down on the 2nd stoplight. I think there's McDonald's and right across it is Mang Inasal in that intersection. By the way, it's in Jupiter St. From McDonalds, walk until you reach Music 21, and walk a little farther then you're in Beauty Brick. If you don't understand the instructions consult Google Maps instead. Hehe :)

My Hair History: I had my hair rebonded on a 6-8 months interval for the last 2 years. My last hair rebond was May. I self-colored my hair last August. You might think that with all these treatments, my hair is super dry but I think I managed to keep it healthy because of a good shampoo and conditioner regimen. 

I was immediately seated when I came into Beauty Brick (Tip: When you have an appointment, be on time since they will call you to ask if you'll want to reschedule instead). Mr. Shin (owner of Beauty Brick) checked my hair if it was suitable for a digital perm since I had my hair previously rebonded. He said that it was okay but snipped about 2 inches since the end part was dry. He doesn't really speak English so he was conversing with his assistant the whole time. (His assistant told me that he's Korean but lived in Japan so he speaks Nihonggo). He told his assistant to prepare medium and large curlers since I didn't want the small curls. The curls would also start on the level of my lips down. I couldn't really memorize the steps of the actual perm but my hair was washed A LOT of times. And my hair was attached into this octopus looking machine. I was getting a bit impatient actually but his assistants were very friendly always asking if the water temperature was okay while they wash my hair, or if I felt any sting on my scalp. Really made me feel like a princess. :)) Mr. Shin was really busy the whole time and his assistant were the ones really doing most of the job. He comes to supervise every once in a while and check the whole process. I think I was there on a Thursday and for a week day, the place was packed. Anyway, here are the pictures I took while I was there. :))

I like my straight hair! :)

Attached to the octopus-looking machine! :P

Perm Done! How do I look? :)

I week after my perm.

1 month after my perm. Curls still intact! :)

Elle: Isn't it the first cardinal rule or perm maintenance that you are forbidded to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?

If you're a certified girly-girl, I don't think you will ever forget this line from Elle Woods. However, I don't think this line holds true anymore! :))) The staff at the salon said that I can wet my hair the day after my perm (I took a bath 10 hours after my perm) but I couldn't use shampoo, only conditioner. And so I did and my curls are still intact! :) 

After perm care: I split my hair into 4 and twist it when my hair is wet. I leave it to air dry, apply Vitress and I'm good to go! :)

My family and friends all have compliments for my curls! My cousins like it so much that 2 of them also wanted to perm their hair!! :) 

Hope this post is helpful. Tell me about your digiperm experience, okay? :))

P.S. Last post for 2011!!! WoooOOOooo!!! Light and love everyone!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Found In Christ

I am a lost soul. I used to know myself. Sure of what I do, who I am, whom I belong. Now all these things are head knowledge. In my heart, I know I am lost. This world has swallowed me whole. I am trying to find my way back home. Stress has taken its toll on me, and supposed friends influenced me to be superficial, bitter, and demanding. But I don’t blame anyone. I can only blame myself because I let circumstances change me. I allowed myself to be part of the world rather than stand up to it. It was easier to blend in. It was so easy to compromise. But all that has left a bitter taste in my mouth and a hollow space in my heart. And a lingering thought of regret. But I must not. That’s another worse thing that I can do. Live in regret. It’s all in the past. I can move on from this second onward. I can be better. I can find inspiration in God, in my real friends, in people whom I belong to. I can be better. With the help of God I can find the meaning of my life again. I can go back on His path and trod and work hard. I will live my life for God. So that no matter what I do, wherever I am, I have a purpose. His purpose is my purpose. Money can buy me a beautiful hairstyle and all the make-up in the world but only God can change me inside. Only God can make me beautiful inside. I am working on changing myself inside. With God’s help, I will be beautiful inside as well as out. I am living my life for You, Lord. I am sorry I veered from Your way. I am back on Your path and with that I am content, I am happy, and I am not lost anymore. I love You.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ferris Wheel FUN!

For those who know me, you probably know my vestibular apparatus is really THAT over sensitive. I ride a boat for a few minutes I puke, I ride a Ferris wheel, caterpillar, merry go round, heck even a carousel makes me nauseous! But thanks to meclizine, I was able to ride a Ferris wheel for 10 minutes last night without vomiting, or dizziness! I'm sooo happy! The view from the top is really worth the ride and doing it with friends is even better! I was there with my friends A and P and it was a blast!

Place: Mall of Asia, Manila
Prie: Php150
Duration of ride: 10 minutes

BTW, I'll soon blog about by digital perm experience so stay tuned for that. :)

*HINT* Seeing that my curls are still intact, you know that it went really well.


Saturday, December 3, 2011


I felt you..this morning while I was asleep. You hugged me and held my hand. And I felt like the world will be okay again. Were you there because I was so stressed out? Is that your way to comfort? Or confuse? Because all of that was just in my dreams. And after being awake for 12 hours already, I can still feel the way your arms envelop around my body. Not in a sensual way, just pure unadulterated hug from someone who cares. Are you someone from my future or are you a ghost of my past? Either way, thank you. It made me feel better even if it was just a dream.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step"
In this case, a lot of steps.. :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thin is In

I've been wanting to lose some extra weight for quite some time now but the pressures of medical school, my forever stressed out state of mind, and my love for food prevents me from doing anything about my weight. Yep, I'm being honest about this since it's the first step in improving myself. I weigh around 117lbs and my goal is 100-105lbs. I know that you probably think I'm being vain or whatever but I want to feel better, okay? If you want to feel better about yourself do your own thing. =P So, expect that for most days when I can, I'll post about my food intake, exercise regimen (if I can!), and random weight updates. I want to be accountable about this this time. I think I need to buy a weighing scale for monitoring. I hope I will be triumphant in this endeavor! Fighting! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sasatinnie BB Creams

I've had a penchant for BB creams for quite sometime now and I've found these two that works well on my skin. I'm frequently using the Precious Jewelry BB cream SPF 30 that I've chanced upon in Sasa. In my neck of the woods, Sasa doesn't have an outlet so I had mine shipped from Hong Kong. The Sakura costs HK$98 and the Precious Jewelry I think is HK$84. It's a good find! I noticed that using BB creams brightens up my complexion instantly. Oftentimes I lack sleep so I wake up with droopy eyes but a little dab of this product instantly brightens my face! It also gives a little coverage from blemishes and redness. Hope you try this one and tell me if it worked for you too! =)
Today I'm gonna be A W E S O M E !

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stop Looking at Me

Don't look me in the eyes
with those piercing gaze
It makes me uncomfortable.
You might catch me
silently wishing
that circumstances
were different.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tokyo Love

I miss Japan! I hope I could go back there again. xoxo

"Take me back to the moment where I'm living the beautiful dream...
but everything is tangible."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Med Musings

Having a rotation in pediatrics will make your heart swell with joy and bleed with sympathy at the same time. This is mostly true for a lot of other rotations but personally, no other rotation quite clinches it the way pediatrics get to the heart. First off, I can still remember the first time I held a newborn in my arms. Not my baby, but still the feeling is so different. Like you have to be extra careful because the neonate is so fragile. Then you start to care for them and give them their vaccines, weigh, measure, and do physical examination. And for the few hours that they stay in the nursery, you get to bond with them and feed them until they need to be with their mothers. A new life is really a miracle. That's the happy end.

But there are also the sad end. It was just a few days ago when I first saw a child being revived because she went into cardiac failure. She had rheumatic heart disease and the Strep bacteria have been slowly but surely making sure her mitral valve becomes lax that by the time she was a little older, her mitral valve needed replacement. We weren't able to revive her.
There's also this kid who always greets me with the brightest smile whenever I pass by his ward. His diagnosis can't be clinched because his family is just so poor that they couldn't afford any laboratory test. He cries when his grandmother tells me that they can't afford the antibiotic regimen again today.

This is reality.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Starting to feel...the Christmas cheer!

The air's a little misty
the weather forecast says: rainy!
Time like these I feel so chilly
and just want a cup of coffee!

But other than the weather,
Dancing lights fill the town all over
Something special is near,
people spreading the Christmas cheer!

love~~beauty~~and some brandy~~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flowers Make the Heart Melt

I was kind of feeling low this day when I saw these beauties upon coming home. Made me feel so loved and I instantly felt less alone. Thank you Lord for moms who care enough to grow these beauties to bring joy in our lives. They're really a blessing from You! Now I have to take care of these a well as a dozen other plants outside. HAHA

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hey everyone! I've had several blogs already and almost all of them has their own theme. I was thinking of putting up a blog that will be free for all meaning that I can just post whatever topic comes to mind so this blog is born. This space might be a big clutter for some as I would be putting whatever random thing that fancies my interest but I'll do my best to segregate them in topics easier to navigate with. I'm soooo excited to start blogging again without constraining myself into this and that topic ONLY..Haha.. :) Hope to post at least once a week! But if I'm especially chill, I might post and post and post. So there. Happy reading!